

Why didn’t I go to school when I had less responsibility? I look at all the kids out there in University today and think, wow, I wish I had it as easy as you. But those were my choices. I created a family and a life with my husband (which I would not change for the world!!). Yet, I am also ignorant to the fact that each of these children have their own life struggles. I just need a minute to whine about it.

I am kicking myself in the butt for the stress I am putting myself through, as I have decided to go back to school. Why is it near impossible for a parent to go back to get an education? I am maintaining employment (lets not forget the mountain of bills we have), partaking in basically a full course load whether online or independent studies, as well as trying to balance home life. I am stressed out just talking about it.

I cannot afford to stop working, my husband’s wage won’t cover all the bills, I need to work as well. But, I do not qualify for a loan until I have not been working for 3 months, to prove that I need it. I’m stuck. We cannot go 3 months without my income, there is no way. I cannot put my children through that. So what do I do now?

Do you ever think to yourself, wow, I really have zero skills? Like really think about it. Would anyone actually come to you for anything in particular — something you are really skilled at doing or making? I mean, ya.. I craft here and there… but I do not expect people to buy this trash. I know I am hard on myself, but who isn’t? I just don’t want to be pretentious, or self inflated.

Then there are direct sales, but I hate trying to make people buy things. Like.. ” so… I mean, I have these items.. but don’t buy them if you don’t want to.” “I’ll take this one”… “No, really, you don’t need it”.

Basically I am really good at turning sales away — yay, a skill!

If there was a product I could really get behind, maybe it would be different. I used to actually be an Epicure Consultant (food, spices, cookware). I mostly bought the kit so I could get the discount and it worked out alright for me – but- I just do not possess the seller mentality and eventually my consultant status was revoked for lack of sales.

There are so many companies out there, it is hard to decide on which one is most suitable and is something you could really invest in or sell. Like.. a person only needs so many candles. Your jewelry box only holds so many jewels. You can only have like 10 bags. So, what do you do? And, why would I buy in to one of these kits anyways, if I know I am not going to succeed in it?

Boredom. A means to an end. Consumerism.

Remaining a lost soul, until resolution can be met.